Cascadia Code PL と Migu Nerd Font の違い
注意: アイコンフォントのコピペを多用しているので、対応していないフォントを使われている豆腐が見えます。
これはズブのフォント素人による try&error なので大いに間違っている可能性もある。
結論から言うとまだ納得の行く改造版 Migu の作成には至っていない。
Cascadia も Hack も Narrow な Powerline グリフが埋め込まれているっぽい。 ここに来て Migu に直接 Narrow な Powerline グリフを埋め込んだらええやんけ、という Nerd Fonts 回帰案が浮上した(うまく行った試しないのだけど)。
To be Continued...
長年 Migu を愛用している。
Migu の良さはそのスリムでシンプルな見栄えだけでなく、Proportional と Monospace で同じ字体を使えることだ。 しかし最近の開発環境で使うにはアイコンフォントが同梱されないことで不便を感じることが多い。特に Powerline を使っているとアイコンフォントは必須。 ということで 5 年ほど前から iij/fontmerger を使って Nerd fonts などを追加した自作フォントを使っている。
しかしこれがここ 1,2 年くらいで Windows Terminal を使い始めたことで納得いかない点が出てきた。 "Ambiguous"なフォントについては全部 Narrow サイズになる ≒ Certain なフォントについてはサイズが適用される?だと?
Windows Terminal とともに提供される Cascadia に関してはどうもこの問題が発生しない。Powerline グリフに関しては完璧なのだ。
改造 Migu と Cascadia でコードポイントは同じだけどフォントを切り替えるだけで表示サイズが異なってくる。
→ つまり Cascadia フォントでは、コードポイント0xE0B0
# Helper function to show Unicode character
function U {
[int] $Code
if ((0 -le $Code) -and ($Code -le 0xFFFF)) {
return [char] $Code
if ((0x10000 -le $Code) -and ($Code -le 0x10FFFF)) {
return [char]::ConvertFromUtf32($Code)
throw "Invalid character code $Code"
# 数値は[Convert]::ToInt32('0xE080', 16)でHEX変換する
((170..61278) | %{U $_}) -join ''
全然わからない...クソむずすぎる。でも特定のグリフを移植するだけなら、元々改造 Migu を作るのに使っていた fontmerger が利用できる。とおもてたら DEPRECATED になっておった、そら Python2 やからな...
お亡くなりになられた fontmerger を Python3 化して動かす
最新の Migu に対して fontmerger で Nerd font patch する
を始めとした Cascadia でだけうまく表示されるグリフを Migu に移植する完璧な Migu の完成!
Cascadia を CLI で簡単に落としてくる方法はないものか?
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile
Expand-Archive -Path .\ -DestinationPath CascadiaCode-2102.25
cd .\CascadiaCode-2102.25\
2021-03-13 15:27
takatoshi ~\.\CascadiaCode-2102.25 ll
Directory: C:\Users\takatoshi\desktop\CascadiaCode-2102.25
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
la--- 2021-03-13 15:24 otf
la--- 2021-03-13 15:24 ttf
la--- 2021-03-13 15:24 woff2
otf ... Open Type Font
Adobe と MS で作った。MS 商標。今や一般的。リガチャ使うならこっちしか無理
ttf ... True Type Font
Apple 作った。プラットフォーム互換がない
woff ... Web Open Font Format 2
takatoshi ~\.\CascadiaCode-2102.25 ll .\otf\static\
Directory: C:\Users\takatoshi\desktop\CascadiaCode-2102.25\otf\static
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
la--- 2021-02-25 20:32 161908 CascadiaCode-Bold.otf
la--- 2021-02-25 20:32 150456 CascadiaCode-ExtraLight.otf
la--- 2021-02-25 20:32 158652 CascadiaCode-Light.otf
la--- 2021-02-25 20:32 158244 CascadiaCode-Regular.otf
la--- 2021-02-25 20:32 161960 CascadiaCode-SemiBold.otf
la--- 2021-02-25 20:32 159372 CascadiaCode-SemiLight.otf
la--- 2021-02-25 20:32 185320 CascadiaCodePL-Bold.otf
la--- 2021-02-25 20:32 175352 CascadiaCodePL-ExtraLight.otf
la--- 2021-02-25 20:32 181752 CascadiaCodePL-Light.otf
la--- 2021-02-25 20:32 181376 CascadiaCodePL-Regular.otf
la--- 2021-02-25 20:32 185540 CascadiaCodePL-SemiBold.otf
la--- 2021-02-25 20:32 182740 CascadiaCodePL-SemiLight.otf
la--- 2021-02-25 20:32 145316 CascadiaMono-Bold.otf
la--- 2021-02-25 20:32 133864 CascadiaMono-ExtraLight.otf
la--- 2021-02-25 20:32 142060 CascadiaMono-Light.otf
la--- 2021-02-25 20:32 141652 CascadiaMono-Regular.otf
la--- 2021-02-25 20:32 145368 CascadiaMono-SemiBold.otf
la--- 2021-02-25 20:32 142780 CascadiaMono-SemiLight.otf
la--- 2021-02-25 20:32 168588 CascadiaMonoPL-Bold.otf
la--- 2021-02-25 20:32 158620 CascadiaMonoPL-ExtraLight.otf
la--- 2021-02-25 20:32 165020 CascadiaMonoPL-Light.otf
la--- 2021-02-25 20:32 164644 CascadiaMonoPL-Regular.otf
la--- 2021-02-25 20:32 168808 CascadiaMonoPL-SemiBold.otf
la--- 2021-02-25 20:32 166008 CascadiaMonoPL-SemiLight.otf
ここで対象になるのは MonoPL(monospace の PowerLine 版)。まだリガチャを受け入れるだけの心のゆとりができていない。
次に [Migu][] を落とす。OSDN のリダイレクトかまされ迂回方法がわからないので手で落とした。
takatoshi ~\desktop cd .\migu-1m-20200307\
takatoshi ~\.\migu-1m-20200307 ll .\migu-1m-20200307\
Directory: C:\Users\takatoshi\desktop\migu-1m-20200307\migu-1m-20200307
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
la--- 2021-03-13 15:39 ipag00303
la--- 2021-03-13 15:39 mplus-TESTFLIGHT-063a
la--- 2020-03-07 22:14 3401580 migu-1m-bold.ttf
la--- 2020-03-07 22:12 3144556 migu-1m-regular.ttf
la--- 2020-03-08 16:00 2344 migu-README.txt
fontmerger のスクリプトがちょっと Windows では使いにくそうに見えたので、一旦 Ubuntu(WSL2)でやる。
でも Ubuntu16LTS の fontforge は 2019 年までのやつで古かったので、一旦 WSL2 の Ubuntu を更新することにする。
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo do-release-upgrade
途中で sshd_config が編集されとんぞ!?と言われて新しいのとローカルのどっち使うか選ばねばいけなかった。ここは新しい方を有効化。この流れで Ubuntu20LTS まで上げた。 Ubuntu20 では fontforge はデフォルトのパッケージではなくなったので、パッケージソースを追加する必要がある。
Ubuntu – Details of package fontforge in focal
universe にあるのがわかったので追加。
sudo apt-add-repository universe
sudo apt update
sudo apt install fontforge
mkdir ./patched
./bin/fontmerger --all -o patched --suffix=with-icons -- migu-1m-regular.ttf migu-1m-bold.ttf migu-1c-regular.ttf migu-1c-bold.ttf
krymtkts@krymtkts-stealth:/mnt/c/Users/takatoshi/dev/$ /usr/bin/fontforge -script fontmerger/
--all -o patched --suffix=with-icons -- migu-1m-regular.ttf migu-1m-bold.ttf migu-1c-regular.ttf migu-1c-bold.ttf
Copyright (c) 2000-2020. See AUTHORS for Contributors.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>
with many parts BSD <>. Please read LICENSE.
Version: 20190801
Based on sources from 03:10 UTC 6-Mar-2020-ML-D-GDK3.
File "fontmerger/", line 103
except Exception, e:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Error in sys.excepthook:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3.8/", line 64, in <module>
import msvcrt
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'msvcrt'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/", line 72, in apport_excepthook
from apport.fileutils import likely_packaged, get_recent_crashes
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/apport/", line 5, in <module>
from import Report
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/apport/", line 12, in <module>
import subprocess, tempfile, os.path, re, pwd, grp, os, time, io
File "/usr/lib/python3.8/", line 69, in <module>
import _posixsubprocess
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_posixsubprocess'
Original exception was:
File "fontmerger/", line 103
except Exception, e:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
あー、Python2 の構文によるエラーね。解消して再実行してみる。引数も間違ってたし。
krymtkts@krymtkts-stealth:/mnt/c/Users/takatoshi/dev/$ /usr/bin/fontforge -script fontmerger/ --all -o patched --suffix=with-icons -- ./source/migu-1m-regular.ttf ./source/migu-1m-bold.ttf ./source/migu-1c-regular.ttf ./source/migu-1c-bold.ttf
Copyright (c) 2000-2020. See AUTHORS for Contributors.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>
with many parts BSD <>. Please read LICENSE.
Version: 20190801
Based on sources from 03:10 UTC 6-Mar-2020-ML-D-GDK3.
The following table(s) in the font have been ignored by FontForge
Ignoring 'EPAR'
The glyph named asterisk is mapped to U+F069.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+002A.
The glyph named plus is mapped to U+F067.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+002B.
The glyph named question is mapped to U+F128.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+003F.
The glyph named minus is mapped to U+F068.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2212.
The glyph named heart is mapped to U+F004.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2665.
The glyph named home is mapped to U+F015.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+21B8.
The glyph named check is mapped to U+F046.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2713.
The glyph named bell is mapped to U+F0A2.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2407.
The glyph named lessequal is mapped to U+F500.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2264.
The glyph named circle is mapped to U+F111.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+25CB.
The glyph named smile is mapped to U+F118.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+263A.
The glyph named frown is mapped to U+F119.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2322.
The glyph named bullseye is mapped to U+F140.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+25CE.
The glyph named compass is mapped to U+F14E.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+263C.
The glyph named female is mapped to U+F182.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2640.
The glyph named male is mapped to U+F183.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2642.
The glyph named sun is mapped to U+F185.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+263C.
The glyph named venus is mapped to U+F221.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2640.
The glyph named slash is mapped to U+E016.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+002F.
The glyph named pi is mapped to U+E02C.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+03C0.
The glyph named ring is mapped to U+E03D.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+02DA.
The glyph named infinity is mapped to U+E055.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+221E.
The glyph named equal is mapped to U+E079.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+003D.
The glyph named question is mapped to U+F02C.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+003F.
The glyph named check is mapped to U+F03A.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2713.
The glyph named plus is mapped to U+F05D.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+002B.
The glyph named x is mapped to U+F081.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+0078.
The glyph named home is mapped to U+F08D.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+21B8.
The glyph named ellipsis is mapped to U+F09A.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2026.
The glyph named bell is mapped to U+F0DE.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2407.
The following table(s) in the font have been ignored by FontForge
Ignoring 'EPAR'
The glyph named asterisk is mapped to U+F069.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+002A.
The glyph named plus is mapped to U+F067.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+002B.
The glyph named question is mapped to U+F128.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+003F.
The glyph named minus is mapped to U+F068.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2212.
The glyph named heart is mapped to U+F004.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2665.
The glyph named home is mapped to U+F015.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+21B8.
The glyph named check is mapped to U+F046.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2713.
The glyph named bell is mapped to U+F0A2.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2407.
The glyph named lessequal is mapped to U+F500.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2264.
The glyph named circle is mapped to U+F111.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+25CB.
The glyph named smile is mapped to U+F118.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+263A.
The glyph named frown is mapped to U+F119.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2322.
The glyph named bullseye is mapped to U+F140.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+25CE.
The glyph named compass is mapped to U+F14E.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+263C.
The glyph named female is mapped to U+F182.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2640.
The glyph named male is mapped to U+F183.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2642.
The glyph named sun is mapped to U+F185.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+263C.
The glyph named venus is mapped to U+F221.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2640.
The glyph named slash is mapped to U+E016.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+002F.
The glyph named pi is mapped to U+E02C.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+03C0.
The glyph named ring is mapped to U+E03D.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+02DA.
The glyph named infinity is mapped to U+E055.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+221E.
The glyph named equal is mapped to U+E079.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+003D.
The glyph named question is mapped to U+F02C.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+003F.
The glyph named check is mapped to U+F03A.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2713.
The glyph named plus is mapped to U+F05D.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+002B.
The glyph named x is mapped to U+F081.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+0078.
The glyph named home is mapped to U+F08D.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+21B8.
The glyph named ellipsis is mapped to U+F09A.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2026.
The glyph named bell is mapped to U+F0DE.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2407.
The following table(s) in the font have been ignored by FontForge
Ignoring 'EPAR'
The glyph named asterisk is mapped to U+F069.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+002A.
The glyph named plus is mapped to U+F067.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+002B.
The glyph named question is mapped to U+F128.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+003F.
The glyph named minus is mapped to U+F068.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2212.
The glyph named heart is mapped to U+F004.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2665.
The glyph named home is mapped to U+F015.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+21B8.
The glyph named check is mapped to U+F046.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2713.
The glyph named bell is mapped to U+F0A2.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2407.
The glyph named lessequal is mapped to U+F500.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2264.
The glyph named circle is mapped to U+F111.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+25CB.
The glyph named smile is mapped to U+F118.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+263A.
The glyph named frown is mapped to U+F119.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2322.
The glyph named bullseye is mapped to U+F140.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+25CE.
The glyph named compass is mapped to U+F14E.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+263C.
The glyph named female is mapped to U+F182.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2640.
The glyph named male is mapped to U+F183.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2642.
The glyph named sun is mapped to U+F185.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+263C.
The glyph named venus is mapped to U+F221.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2640.
The glyph named slash is mapped to U+E016.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+002F.
The glyph named pi is mapped to U+E02C.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+03C0.
The glyph named ring is mapped to U+E03D.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+02DA.
The glyph named infinity is mapped to U+E055.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+221E.
The glyph named equal is mapped to U+E079.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+003D.
The glyph named question is mapped to U+F02C.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+003F.
The glyph named check is mapped to U+F03A.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2713.
The glyph named plus is mapped to U+F05D.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+002B.
The glyph named x is mapped to U+F081.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+0078.
The glyph named home is mapped to U+F08D.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+21B8.
The glyph named ellipsis is mapped to U+F09A.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2026.
The glyph named bell is mapped to U+F0DE.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2407.
The following table(s) in the font have been ignored by FontForge
Ignoring 'EPAR'
The glyph named asterisk is mapped to U+F069.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+002A.
The glyph named plus is mapped to U+F067.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+002B.
The glyph named question is mapped to U+F128.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+003F.
The glyph named minus is mapped to U+F068.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2212.
The glyph named heart is mapped to U+F004.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2665.
The glyph named home is mapped to U+F015.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+21B8.
The glyph named check is mapped to U+F046.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2713.
The glyph named bell is mapped to U+F0A2.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2407.
The glyph named lessequal is mapped to U+F500.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2264.
The glyph named circle is mapped to U+F111.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+25CB.
The glyph named smile is mapped to U+F118.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+263A.
The glyph named frown is mapped to U+F119.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2322.
The glyph named bullseye is mapped to U+F140.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+25CE.
The glyph named compass is mapped to U+F14E.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+263C.
The glyph named female is mapped to U+F182.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2640.
The glyph named male is mapped to U+F183.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2642.
The glyph named sun is mapped to U+F185.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+263C.
The glyph named venus is mapped to U+F221.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2640.
The glyph named slash is mapped to U+E016.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+002F.
The glyph named pi is mapped to U+E02C.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+03C0.
The glyph named ring is mapped to U+E03D.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+02DA.
The glyph named infinity is mapped to U+E055.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+221E.
The glyph named equal is mapped to U+E079.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+003D.
The glyph named question is mapped to U+F02C.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+003F.
The glyph named check is mapped to U+F03A.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2713.
The glyph named plus is mapped to U+F05D.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+002B.
The glyph named x is mapped to U+F081.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+0078.
The glyph named home is mapped to U+F08D.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+21B8.
The glyph named ellipsis is mapped to U+F09A.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2026.
The glyph named bell is mapped to U+F0DE.
But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2407.
理由がわかった。fontmerger の実行後に出力先フォルダからフォントを移動するとプレビューできる。出力先フォルダに fontforge の謎のハンドルが残っている様子。
fontmerger の Python3 化が完了した。GitHub - krymtkts/fontmerger: FontForge script for to merge any fonts
Cascadia からコピる範囲を決める。
takatoshi ~\.\.\.\fontmerger master ≣ +1 ~2 -6 ! [Convert]::ToInt32('0xE0A0', 16)
takatoshi ~\.\.\.\fontmerger master ≣ +1 ~2 -6 ! [Convert]::ToInt32('0xE0D4', 16)
57556 2021-04-10 15:17
takatoshi ~\.\.\.\fontmerger master ≣ +1 ~2 -6 ! ((57504..57556) | %{U $_}) -join ''
Cascadia には Powerline の拡張グリフくらいしか入っていないので Powerline の部分を抜き出して Migu にコピーする。
/usr/bin/fontforge -script fontmerger/ --all -o patched --suffix=cascadia -- ./source/migu-1m-regular.ttf ./source/migu-1m-bold.ttf ./source/migu-1c-regular.ttf ./source/migu-1c-bold.ttf
結果は Cascadia からコピーした領域は以前 Ambiguous なままだった...なんでだろう。以下が追加の Cascadia からコピる設定。
"id": "cascadia-powerline",
"name": "Cascadia Powerline Symbols",
"description": "Powerline symbols copied from Cascadia Code.",
"filename": "./fonts/cascadia/CascadiaCodePL-Regular.otf",
"unicode_range": [
コピっても解消しないのか...と思ってた矢先、フォカのフォントを参考に調べていて GitHub - yuru7/HackGen: HackGen is Japanese programming font which is a composed of Hack and GenJyuu-Gothic. なるフォントを見つけた。
あれ、このフォント Powerline グリフが Windows Terminal でも崩れないし、見た目も結構好みでこれちょっとよいかも...と浮気しそうになるも、やはり字幅の広さが気に入らず Migu に返り咲くワイ。
それはそうと Powerline グリフが崩れないのはなんでか?と思ってみてたところ、これ Symbol フォントが Narrow スペースなのね。Cascadia もそう。つまり問題なのはフォント幅じゃね?と気づく。 更に々々、Nerd Fonts から提供されている Hack を使うと、PowerShell モジュールの Terminal-Icons で表示されるファイルアイコンすらも小さくならずに表示できるではないかい!これやろ答え。
数年前に試してうまくいったことがないのが心配のタネだが、ここは原点回帰して Nerd Fonts の font-patcher で Migu に Narrow スペースでパッチしてみるか~という気持ちになった。
ただ単に Migu の最新版にパッチしただけの状態になっているのだが、途中経過をまとめておかないと着手する時加齢に忘れてて辛いので一旦状況をまとめた。
お亡くなりになられた fontmerger を Python3 化して動かす
最新の Migu に対して fontmerger で Nerd font patch する
を始めとした Cascadia でだけうまく表示されるグリフを Migu に移植するそして効果なし!
Nerd Fonts の font-patcher で Migu にパッチしてみる <- NEW!!!
完璧な Migu の完成!